
The Symposium on Morphometrics and Evolution of Shape (SMEF) is organized every two years in France and is open to anyone interested in the evolution of biological forms (paleontology, anthropology, developmental biology, archaeology, medicine, evolutionary sciences, bioinformatics, etc.). It is an opportunity to federate the community around new developments and ongoing applied researches.

The language for the symposium will be English.

Registration is free but mandatory. You can register here. After June 15, the online registration module will stop, but late registration can still be done on demand at or Registration will definitely be closing on June 25.

All abstracts (400 words) should be submitted in English here before the 1st of June. Oral and poster communications will be accepted.

SMEF2021 will be completely online and Zoom will be used for Oral presentations (

Poster presenters will be alloted a space in discord ( to interact with participants and a few minutes slot for a brief presentation to the whole audience.

This year, we are honored to welcome Prof. Joan Richtsmeier for the inaugural keynote paper.

The book of abstracts and the programme is available here.

The organizers

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